Connected to God: Naturally Birthed Babies

Big Head kids_0002Big Head kids_0001Big Head kids

Infants are close to divinity. That soft spot, hole or anterior fontanelle at the top of their little heads, which eventually closes, is the sign that the umbilical cord that connects the be-ing to the other side is closing. Many years ago, worried clients had an intercom placed in the new babies’ room because Beth, their 3-year-old daughter, would constantly go visit her newborn brother. The parents’ overhead her conversations, which she addressed to her little brother proclaiming, “Please help me remember god because I am starting to forget.” All one has to do is look into the eyes of children and realize that they have a purity, goodness, lightness, magic. Children have 360-degree perspectives, even in the womb, and cannot filter out the many distractions in the ‘real’ world. They see things as whole, complete and beautiful; adults see things as compartmentalized, segmented and in pieces. As they are enculturated, the loss of this magical spirit prevails until alas, it is gone, atrophies or submerged into the unconscious. Then when these children become parents, the enculturation process continues and multiplies generation after generation until…

Bringing that spirit body into this realm is our greatest challenge. With each successive generation of children who become adults and lose that capability, humanity devolves into the abyss of form rather than substance. The greater the numbers of be-ings who are mindful, conscious and aware; who have courage, tenacity and passion to be more than society, culture and religion proclaim us to be; who listen, observe and encourage children to follow their souls destiny instead of fitting into the little boxes of conformity, norms and rules; who encourage children to explore, integrate and bring forth that magic of spirit that lies dormant within; when these things come to pass, this earth will be a place of light, mercy, goodness, kindness, gentleness, love and peace, just like ‘the little children’.

The brightest light shines from children who are birthed naturally- in homes, by dulas, in water tanks, ocean births, in quiet, loving surroundings. Not only do these children possess a magical spark in their eyes but they also have head shapes that are unique. The frontal lobe or forebrains extend outward, looking much like there is a football on their heads or a bulb on their forehead. THESE children possess special characteristics like sensitivity, astute extrasensory skills and highly evolved emotional, spiritual, intellectual qualities. This is encouraging. The mother’s (and father’s) who have the audacity to take the natural, humane route to birthing, child rearing and enculturation are COURAGEOUS in light of the pressures of society. These are the children who will transform the planet and bring the ‘spirit’ back into human form by re-member-ing (putting humanity back together again).